Sight Word Fluency Pyramid Sentences in action: The most effective way to use the Sight Word Fluency Pyramid Sentences is to show the word (upper right hand corner), say the word, trace the word, and read the word in context in a sentence. For this reason, the Sight Word Fluency pages allow the students to see the word, trace the word and read the word multiple times in a pyramid sentence.

In addition, students need repetition and practice reading the word in context to help them master the word. To clarify, we sound out other words like CVC words, but not sight words. This indicates that we read the word on demand without sounding it out. To help, I always use a non verbal cue of circling the sight word.
#Read write build sight words how to#
Beginning and struggling readers may not understand how to use the th digraph and the schwa sound to sound out the word the. For example, sounding out the word the for a child, t/h/e does not work. Many of the sight words are not decodable with early phonics skills. When I teach sight words, I don’t have students sound them out. When we teach sight words strategically, specifically and consistently, we build readers who are confident and fluent! How do you EFFECTIVELY teach Sight Words? *About 300 Sight Words account for 75% of those we read and write. * 100 Sight Words make up about 50% of those we read and write. * 12 Sight Words make up about 25% of those we read and write. Rather, sight word instruction helps students master reading words that frequently occur in a text so they don’t have to stop and decode every….single….word. To be clear, sight words are not a substitute for teaching phonics. However, when sight words are coupled together with phonics, we build strong, confident and fluent readers. In general, teaching sight words employs a “whole language approach,” which means it is not phonics based. For example, I, you, and the account for 10% of all words in printed English! Therefore, students need to know sight words instantly and accurately in order to build fluency and comprehension. Accordingly, a majority of the words that we read in a text are considered sight words. Sight words are the most commonly used words in the English language.